Русская версия Вики сообщает, что:
Эмметт Луи Тилл (25 июля 1941, Чикаго — 28 августа 1955) — афроамериканский мальчик, который был убит в штате Миссисипи в возрасте 14 лет, после того, как белая женщина обвинила (впоследствии признавшись, что ложно[3][4]) его в приставаниях.
Тилл был родом из Чикаго, штат Иллинойс, и навещал родственников в регионе дельты Миссисипи, когда познакомился с 21-летней Кэролин Брайант, женой хозяина небольшого продуктового магазина.
По разным версиям, Тилл присвистнул, обращаясь к Кэролин (что некоторыми расценивается как грубый комплимент сексуального характера — wolf-whistling, а другими — как следствие волнения подростка или, по словам его матери, проблем дикции), либо схватил Кэролин за руку и произнёс «непечатные» слова (как утверждала сама Брайант). Несколько дней спустя муж Брайант Рой и его сводный брат Дж. В. Милам пришли в дом двоюродного деда Тилла, схватили Тилла, перевезли в сарай, избили его и выкололи один глаз. Затем они выстрелили Тиллу в голову и сбросили его тело в реку Таллахатчи, привязав к его шее колючей проволокой лопасть винта от хлопкоочистительной машины коттон-джин весом в 70 фунтов (32 килограмма). Через три дня тело Эмметта Тилла было обнаружено и поднято со дна реки.
Испанская Вика уточняет, что в приезде ребенка из северного Чикаго на Юг виновен дядя
"En el verano de 1955, recibieron la visita de su tío Moses Wright, que le contó historias acerca de la vida en el delta del Misisipi que despertaron en Emmett una gran curiosidad por la región y un gran deseo de visitarla.
Что именно произошло в магазинчике, непонятно,
"A pesar de las reticencias de su madre, que le avisó tuviera cuidado pues el Sur no era Chicago, Till llegó a Money, Mississippi el 21 de agosto de 1955. El 24 de agosto, él y su primo Curtis Jones salieron de la iglesia donde Moses Wright estaba predicando y se unieron a algunos muchachos locales, con quienes fueron al Bryant's Grocery and Meat Market, una pequeña tienda, para comprar dulces. Los adolescentes eran hijos de aparceros y habían estado recogiendo algodón en todo el día. El colmado era propiedad de una pareja blanca, Roy Bryant, de 24 años, y su esposa, Carolyn, de 21 años, quienes en su mayoría atendían a la población aparcera local. Carolyn estaba sola en la tienda ese día; su hermana se encontraba en la parte trasera de la tienda. Jones dejó a Till con los otros chicos, mientras que él se quedó jugando a las damas en la calle. Existen varias versiones de lo que ocurrió en ese momento, solo se sabe que en aquella época, el racismo hacia los negros era grande. Según algunos, Till al ver a la bella Carolyn, le silbó con admiración y esta se ofendió. Otros afirman que Till al salir de la tienda se despidió de Carolyn diciéndole "Chao baby" y otra versión consta de que Till empezó a coquetear con Carolyn diciéndole "No temas de mí. Ya he estado con mujeres blancas anteriormente". Carolyn amenazó a Till y a los demás con una pistola y los adolescentes se fueron. Según se cree, tras el incidente Emmett había expresado su deseo de regresar a Chicago pero no se lo mencionó a su tío ya que tenía miedo de que se enfadara.
Будучи старухой, (74 года) в 2008 году, бывшая красотка сообщила, что не было со стороны жертвы провокации ни словом, ни жестом.
Вопрос, какого тогда хрена? - повисает в воздухе. Хотела привлечь внимание к своей тушке?
"En 2008, Carolyn Bryant, confesó en una entrevista a Timothy Tyson, autor del libro "The Blood of Emmett Till" (2017) que se había inventado la acusación y que Till nunca le dirigió ninguna palabra o gesto provocativo. “That part’s not true” (Esa parte no es verdad), reconoció arrepentida.
Английская Вика , естественно, самая обстоятельная.
- Проясняется, куда делся папаша (обвинен в убийстве итальянки и изнасиловании двух других):
"While serving in the Italian Campaign, Till was arrested by military police, who suspected him and another soldier, Fred A. McMurray, of the murder of an Italian woman and the rape of two others, in Civitavecchia. After a short investigation, he and McMurray were court-martialed, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out at the United States Army Disciplinary Training Center north of Pisa on July 2, 1945.[4][5] He had been imprisoned alongside American poet Ezra Pound, who had been imprisoned for collaborating with the Nazis and Italian Fascists; he is mentioned in lines 171-173 of Canto 74 of Pound's Pisan Cantos:[6]
Till was hung yesterday
for murder and rape with trimmings
Рассматриваются версии:
"The facts of what took place in the store are still disputed. According to what Jones said at the time, the other boys reported that Till had a photograph of an integrated class at the school he attended in Chicago,[note 1] and Till bragged to the boys that the white children in the picture were his friends. He pointed to a white girl in the picture, or referred to a picture of a white girl that had come with his new wallet,[28] and said she was his girlfriend and one or more of the local boys dared Till to speak to Bryant.[27] However, writing a personal account of the incident in a book released in 2009, Till's cousin Simeon Wright, who was also present, disputed Jones' version of what happened on that day. According to Wright, Till did not have a photo of a white girl in his wallet and no one dared him to flirt with Bryant.[29] Speaking in 2015, Wright said, "We didn't dare him to go to the store – the white folk said that. They said that he had pictures of his white girlfriend. There were no pictures. They never talked to me. They never interviewed me."[30] The FBI report completed in 2006 notes "... [Curtis] Jones recanted his 1955 statements prior to his death and apologized to Mamie Till-Mobley".[31]
Подробности насчет возможного свиста:
"According to some versions, including comments from some of the kids standing outside the store,[32] Till may have wolf-whistled at Bryant. Till's cousin, Simeon Wright, who was with him at the store stated Till whistled at Bryant, saying "I think [Emmett] wanted to get a laugh out of us or something," furthering "He was always joking around, and it was hard to tell when he was serious." Wright stated that following the whistle he became immediately alarmed saying "Well, it scared us half to death," and "You know, we were almost in shock. We couldn't get out of there fast enough, because we had never heard of anything like that before. A black boy whistling at a white woman? In Mississippi? No." Wright stated "the Ku Klux Klan and night riders were part of our daily lives".[29][33] Following his disappearance, a newspaper account stated that Till sometimes whistled to alleviate his stuttering.[34] His speech was sometimes unclear; his mother said he had particular difficulty with pronouncing "b" sounds, and he may have whistled to overcome problems asking for bubble gum.[35][36][37] She said that, to help with his articulation, she taught Till how to whistle softly to himself before pronouncing his words.[36]
В 2008 году 72 летняя тетка призналась, что на суде (когда ей был 21 год) врала, а сейчас уже и не помнит, что было:
"During the murder trial,[note 2] Bryant testified that Till grabbed her hand while she was stocking candy and said, "How about a date, baby?"[38][39] She said that after she freed herself from his grasp, the young man followed her to the cash register,[38] grabbed her waist and said, "What's the matter baby, can't you take it?"[38][note 3] Bryant said she freed herself, and Till said, "You needn't be afraid of me, baby,"[38] used "one 'unprintable' word"[38] and said "I've been with white women before."[38][40] Bryant also alleged that one of Till's companions came into the store, grabbed him by the arm, and ordered him to leave.[38] According to historian Timothy Tyson, Bryant admitted to him in a 2008 interview that her testimony during the trial that Till had made verbal and physical advances was false.[41][42][5] Bryant had testified Till grabbed her waist and uttered obscenities but later told Tyson "that part's not true".[4] As for the rest of what happened, the 72-year-old stated she could not remember.[43] Bryant is quoted by Tyson as saying "Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him".[44]